Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Wolter Köbes death leaps from the shovel

Bonn - Köbes Wolter is dead! No, he was revived. All rubbish, he lives!
For days, the rumor mill Bonner is cooking on the possible demise of the locally well-known business leaders who managed to one-euro-sausages in the headlines. His "widow" had requests from TV stations!
Jacob "Köbes" Wolter (74) is an enigmatic figure, and in Bonn, known as a spotted dog. No wonder that the news spread like wildfire: The Köbes is dumped dead on a bike!
Someone who believed the information from the rumor mill is even a close friend. For dining out in a sepulchral voice to Alfter EXPRESS: "Make it a nice obituary."
The "problem" is: Köbes lives! On 29 May, he had fallen on the road from the wheel and Lessenicher been left lying unconscious. Debt was expected to be knit sweater. Then she carried the 74-year-old, although it was very hot that day and he boldly stepped into the pedals.
 On the way home, he broke down then. Was a long time without consciousness. Presumably, heat collapse.
With dramatic consequences: University hospital intensive care unit. There lies the Köbes since then, got checked. His wife Trudi Wolter facilitated EXPRESS: "Everything is okay so far. Since Monday, he breathes normally again. "
Jacob Wolter is on the mend, will soon make a rehab. But who spreads evil rumors about his alleged demise?
The fact is Köbes splits Bonn. The man, who paddled with half-naked beauties from his sauna club, cheap sausages sold, real estate and owns a tent rental, is generous, and often happy to donate. On the other hand, his enemies were laughing up their sleeves, as he got from his wife's local ban. Or standing in court because he wanted to go with a metal fence by Haribo
What the heck. Dead live longer. Thus is Köbes Wolter probably at least 100 ...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Debacle against Canada

Halifax - After a disgrace against hosts Canada's hockey selection diedeutsche the World Cup quarter-finals and the direkteOlympia missed qualifying.
The DEB team conceded amSamstag with 1:10 (0:4, 0:5, 1:1) against the defending champion diehöchste match defeat for more than 17 years and offered dieMit far the weakest performance since taking office in December 2005 Uwe Krupp vonBundestrainer .
The consolation goal erzielteFrank Hördler (49.) with the score at 0:10.
By the German debacle secured Belarus in Vancouver as neuntesTeam participation in the Olympic Winter Games 2010th The German team must try now to solve the ticket imFebruar 2009 at home in a qualifying tournament. Imletzten Zwischenrundenspiel in Halifax in the early hours of DienstagLettland the enemy.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Flowers and candles for the dead friends

Nettersheim burn - candles, flowers are at the accident site. In between, a photo of the victims: Manuel († 19) and Kai († 20, name changed). Accident on the way to her boyfriend Peter.
Peter (name changed) is on the volunteer fire department. While he waited for the pair in Egelgau that she was to pick him up for a weekend trip - he alerted. Fatal accident on the K 59!
The young man rose up to defend. But before he came to the crash site, he already knew: There are no strangers to an accident - but his friends ...
"He has reacted relatively calmly," said fire chief Winfried Dederichs, Peter and his entire fire squad from the wreck with the dead away fast. Also another military member was fighting back tears. He knew misfortune driver Manuel (was) well, among other things Chairman of the Association bachelor who lives opposite to him.
How it came to the accident is still unclear. The police investigation was ongoing. Presumably, Manuel was advised against 14.25 clock with his car up the hill to the green strip of county road, was overridden. His golf flung around, slammed into a clump of trees, was literally torn. He and Kai had no chance (EXPRESS reported>).
The death of the young men spoke out in the Eifelort around like wildfire. Four other youths were called shortly thereafter and were already on the site by accident. With a petrified faces - disbelief that their friends, acquaintances are really dead.
The whole community is in shock and mourning.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Labbadia likes Vidal

Leverkusen - Six yellow cards, a yellow card: Arturo Vidal (21) converts often between genius and insanity.
Stuttgart v Bayer has been provided by the professional field after he had previously traveled in Dortmund with luck and skill, a sending-off.
But Bayer is one of the "little warrior" (Manager Reschke)! Even more: Coach Bruno Labbadia held on Friday a real plea to the midfielder - and he will take him on Sunday in the top match against Hamburg back into the first team. Represented veteran Thomas Zdebel (35), the prestigious Vidal at 4-1 in Hoffenheim had very solid, it must on the bench.
"We can not take Arturo its strengths. He has what is doing very well. "Namely, aggressiveness, audacity. The Werkself is the fairest team of the league (29 yellow cards), and HSV has a "very experienced, compact" force: There are qualities Vidal asked. Labbadia: "Arturo is a young player, a hothead. We always talk so that we will need types. He helps us. "
Just the Bayer hopes in the future of youngster Toni Kroos (19). But in the squad, he is not yet available. Labbadia: "Toni is still under construction."
Director Wolfgang wooden houses said at EXPRESS request that the end of the season with Michael Reschke expiring contract is renewed. "We will extend his contract until 2011. He has delivered an outstanding job. "Reschke said:" I'm in my 30th Year at Bayer. The club is for me something like a family. "His salary will be increased.
7 x Bundesliga on Saturday: They are lots>
Also of interest
Wooden Houses: FC spreading "fairy tale"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ordnungsamt head poised on the brink

Cologne --
After the takeover of red-green-Roters now crystallize out first personnel action. How to Ordnungamt Director Robert Kilp (CDU) to vacate his post.
EXPRESS explains the most important potential replacements in the Town Hall.
Public Order: An experienced team are chief officer Robert Kilp (CDU) and his deputy Hubertus Tempski (SPD). Kilp (60) could be for EXPRESS Information Office, director of the award, if its chief Heinz Kramer (SPD) 2010 goes into retirement.
Schulverwaltungsamt: Its director Werner Adams (CDU), was once head of the office and green space will Kilp heir as head of the public order. The body of the school administration chief officer to be publicly advertised - to get to the important subject of school, fresh expertise from outside to Cologne.
Has not confirmed the rumor that the head of the regulatory and service, Ralf Mayer, should be replaced. "This is our Rambo. Mayer stays where he is, "says Head of Department Rules Guido Kahlen (SPD).
There should be more reshuffles in the following areas:
Building Business: Responsible for all municipal buildings is Engelbert Rummel (CDU). Red-green exercise has long criticism of him and wants to appoint a new agency. With whom is not yet known.
There are considerations that building the economy of urban development department dispute Bernd Berger (CDU) on the Economic Department, Dr. Norbert Walter-Borjans' (SPD) to shift. Streitberger already have the Office of Urban Development and Statistics at the Department of Mayor Juergen Roters (SPD) supplying.