Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Debacle against Canada
Halifax - After a disgrace against hosts Canada's hockey selection diedeutsche the World Cup quarter-finals and the direkteOlympia missed qualifying.
The DEB team conceded amSamstag with 1:10 (0:4, 0:5, 1:1) against the defending champion diehöchste match defeat for more than 17 years and offered dieMit far the weakest performance since taking office in December 2005 Uwe Krupp vonBundestrainer .
The consolation goal erzielteFrank Hördler (49.) with the score at 0:10.
By the German debacle secured Belarus in Vancouver as neuntesTeam participation in the Olympic Winter Games 2010th The German team must try now to solve the ticket imFebruar 2009 at home in a qualifying tournament. Imletzten Zwischenrundenspiel in Halifax in the early hours of DienstagLettland the enemy.