Monday, March 22, 2010

Juergen Roters with giant projection

Cologne - If tomorrow would mayoral elections, there would be a clear winner: Juergen Roters (SPD), joint candidate of the SPD and Greens.
58.6 percent of Cologne would opt for it as OB, 30.3 percent for Peter Kurth (CDU). Roters, and would have an absolute red-green majority (51.3 percent) in the city council behind him. However: The Greens were at 24.9 percent on an equal footing with the Social Democrats 26.4 percent ().
The calculated Omniquest the opinion research institute in a representative poll commissioned by EXPRESS and Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger. 1000 people of Cologne for all age groups, municipalities, school leavers and professionals were interviewed by the Bonn Institute.
Satte • 58.6 percent: the common red-green candidate Juergen Roters (SPD) would be the clear winner of the OB-election. • CDU candidate Peter Kurth is used in the survey to 30.3 percent, • Ralph Sterck (FDP) to 6 , 3 percent, Kurt Markus • Beisicht of the right-wing organization "pro Köln" at 1.6 percent, and • Dr. Martin Müser (Free Voters / citizens of Cologne Alliance) to 3.2 percent.
This result applies only to those who have already explicitly chosen for one of the candidates standing for election.
The values can shift, but still, because 24 percent of respondents have not decided yet who will not choose or did not specify.
Compared to the survey in March, when Roters also against the former CDU candidate and incumbent Fritz Schramma had been clearly present, 50 percent ahead, submit to the red-green candidate to even 8.6 percentage points. It is the strongest in the downtown district (67.3%) and weakest in the district of lime with "only" 46.9 percent.
Here Kurth achieved with 42.2 percent of its strongest value in the city, he only comes to 23.6%. Sterck cuts in Rodenkirchen do best (9.8%), Beisicht in Ehrenfeld (3.7%), and in Müser Rodenkirchen (5.3%).
In men (30.4%) and women (30.2%) Kurth depends equally well. Roters has 61.4 to 55.7 percent, with clear benefits for women. In Sterck, more men would make their crosses than women (8 to 4.7%).
See also: City Council: wars of the SPD and the Greens have a majority? >